
  • 產品名稱:LCFA美國OMEGA拉壓力傳感器

  • 產品型號:LCFA
  • 產品廠商:美國OMEGA
  • 產品文檔:
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LCFA美國OMEGA拉壓力傳感器,MINIATURE TENSION OR COMPRESSION LOAD CELLS,OMEGA拉力傳感器,OMEGA張力傳感器,OMEGA負荷傳感器,OMEGA稱重傳感器,OMEGA荷重傳感器,OMEGA壓力傳感器,迷你型,全惠斯通電橋設計,不銹鋼結構,量程為O-5000lb或0-150gr

• Tension/Compression Applications
• Small Size for Use in Space Restricted Areas
• Full Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Design
• Stainless Steel Construction for Units Above 25 lb Capacity
OMEGA’s LCFA Series load cell is a reliable and accurate load sensor. It is constructed of high quality 17-4 ph stainless steel which assures accurate and repeatable measurements (units of 25 lb capacity and under are constructed of aluminum). The internal construction of these load cells consists of a full four-arm Wheatstone bridge, which assures excellent long term accuracy from 10 grams to 10,000 lb. 

Rated Output: 2 mV/V nominal
Excitation: 10 Vdc
Linearity: ±0.2% FS
Hysteresis: ±0.1% FS
Repeatability: 0.1% FS
Zero Balance: Better than 1% FS
Compensated Temp Range:
-9 to 66°C (15 to 150°F)
Maximum Load (Safe Overload):
150% of rated capacity
Ultimate Overload: 250% of
rated capacity
Bridge Resistance: 350 Ω
>25 lb: 17-4 PH stainless steel
≤25 lb: Aluminum
Electrical: 0.9 m (36") insulated
4-conductor 30 AWG

量程:            型號:           適用儀表:
0.11 lb 50 g*     LCFA-50G         DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
0.33 lb 150 g*    LCFA-150G        DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
0.55 lb 250 g*    LCFA-250G        DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
1.1 lb 500 g*     LCFA-500G        DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
2.2 lb 1000 g*    LCFA-1KG         DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
5 lb 2.3 kg       LCFA-5           DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
10 lb 4.5 kg      LCFA-10          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
25 lb 11 kg       LCFA-25          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
50 lb 23 kg       LCFA-50          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
100 lb 45 kg      LCFA-100         DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
250 lb 114 kg     LCFA-250         DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
500 lb 227 kg     LCFA-500         DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
1000 lb 455 kg    LCFA-1K          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
2000 lb 909 kg    LCFA-2K          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
3000 lb 1361 kg   LCFA-3K          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
4000 lb 1815 kg   LCFA-4K          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
5000 lb 2269 kg   LCFA-5K          DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
7500 lb 3403 kg   LCFA-7.5K        DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S
10,000 lb 4537 kg LCFA-10K         DPiS, DP25B-S, DP41-S

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